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A blend of catnip and silvervine combined into one bottle of feline freakiness! It’s been know to turn your fluffy furball into a tail attracting love magnet… Makes for purr enjoyment for all!

Large bottle contains: Approximately 52 servings per bottle - 26 grams of catnip/silvervine blend


美國Meowijuana 全天然有機貓草產品均是人手採摘, 風乾, 嚴格挑選然後入瓶的. 

貓草的nepetalactone (荊芥內脂), 這是貓草能令貓咪興奮的成份, 能有效幫助貓咪減壓, 改善睡眠, 增加食慾, 舒緩輕微的腸胃漲氣等等.  有某些貓貓更會直接把貓草吃下, 可以幫助排出毛球.   Primo Kitty Weed 是純細嫩的貓草葉, 並不含草枝或種子.  建議可2-3天給9 個月以上貓咪享用一次

Meowijuana Primo Kitty Weed 美國 Meowijuana 有機細嫩貓草

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